Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The RA Equation

Hello life lovers,....please post your views on me as you know......I need to strike a balancing equation



Daaman said...

Well Ra,

Since i do not know much about "Mu" so for now will talk about you, :).

For first, name used "Ra" is a very powerful name, it means Ancient Egyptian SUN god, Nearly all forms of life were supposedly created by Ra, The one who commands sky, earth and underworld and also represents Light, Warmth, and Growth. So with the inherit powers that you carry with this name of yours would wish you the very best for all ventures and adventures ;) in life ahead and you in your happy and cheerful style take everything in your stride with greatest of zest and liveliness. Way to go RA... all would say is chak de phatte....Punjabi style...

Also on a serious note about you trying to get a "balancing equation", well its all about commitment one wants to put in, things just work out on their own, one doesn’t have to try too hard.... things just happen. So be you and live life Queen style ;).

D signing out....Will keep updating this blog as and occasion calls for...

P.S. for further information on Ra, go to ;).

Ramu Marriage said...

hmm nice piece of information on the Ra equation.....(that reminds me guys where are you)
